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2017 “Artists Take on Flight at MCC on Main”, CT Now, July 1, 2017

2012 “Creation”, New York Times, October 28


2011 “Seriously Funny Artwork at Kershner Gallery”, September 28


2008 “Joan Wheeler at Silvermine Guild” Ridgefield Press January 24, 2008


2006 “Groovy”, NY Arts, Nov./Dec/, James Hilger

“Science Meets Art”Inside FC, April (photo) “Panel at Silvermine Discusses Science Meets Art” New Canaan Advertiser April 13


2005 “Restoring the Character Balance at Silvermine”,Advocate and Greenwich Time, LP Sreitfeld“Off the Wall”, The Hour, Mar. 17



“New Gallery Opens With a Blast”, Advocate/Greenwich Time, June 6

2003 “Ideas Outside the Box.” New York Times, Benjamin Genocchio, April 6



“Kitsch and Art Meet ...”, L.P. Streitfeld, Stamford Advocate, Sept 15

“Fall Museum Roundup”, Westport Minuteman”, Lee Scharf, Sept 12

“Roadside Attractions With Personalities Distinctly Their Own”, New York Times,            William Zimmer, September 1
“Road Thrill” Connecticut Magazine, August


2001    “When Artists Go On Vacation...”, New York Times, June 3 William Zimmer
“...A Point of View”, New York Times, May 27, William Zimmer
“Gallery Hopping...” New York Times, February 25, William Zimmer

2000 “Form, Color, and More...”, New York Times, August 13, William Zimmer


1999 "Frogs as Stars..."The New York Times, April 12, William Zimmer, reproductions


1997 " Weir Farm Show at Aldrich", Fairfield Minuteman, July 10

"Weir Farm Artists Show Work at Aldrich", Antiques and the Arts Weekly, July 4

"A Certain Coherence", New York Times, June 8, William Zimmer"

“Weir Farm; Easton woman as visiting artist”, Minuteman, April 17,B.Tyler

"Fifth Annual Outsider Art Show", Maine Antique Digest, April

1996 “ The Art of Living..”, Norwalk Hour, Nov.27, Betty Tyler

“The Outsider Art Show” , Juxtapoz Magazine, Summer ‘96,

“Art of the Northeast”, Stamford Advocate, May 26, Carollee Ross

“ In Stamford.. “, New York Times, April 14, William Zimmer

“The Outsider Art Fair”, Maine Antique Digest, April ‘96, Lita Cohen,


1995 “Community Expressed in Mixed Media”, New York Times, 12/15, W.Zimmer

“Ct. Women Artists of the 90’s”, Ffld. County Women Magazine, Dec. Zimmerman

“New York Galleries, Late Fall ‘95, New England Review, Vol.17,No.4, Carl Schiffman

“How 88 Boxes Make An Exhibition”, N.Y. York Times, October 8, Vivien Raynor


1994 “A Show That’s Refined and Raucous”, New York Times, William Zimmer


Group Exhibitions


"Focus: Fiber 2019", Kent State University Museum, Kent, OH

“El Corazon”, Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX

“Ear to the Ground”, Ely Center of Contemporary Art, New Haven, CT

Carriage Barn Arts Center, Annual Photography Exhibition, New Canaan CT


“Fate”, Beechwood Arts, Westport, CT.

“Bees and Wax”, TUBAC Center for the Arts, Tubac, AZ

“Art That Make the Heart Sing”, City Light Gallery, Bridgeport, CT

“How with this Rage Shall Beauty Hold a Plea?”, Kehler Liddell Gallery, New Haven, CT

“Inside/Outside”, Color Blends Gallery, Bridgeport, CT

“El Corazon”, Bath House Cultural Center, Dallas, TX

Carriage Barn Arts Center, Annual Photography

Exhibition, New Canaan CT


“Silvermine Guild Show”, New Canaan, CT

“Unbound”, River Street Gallery, New Haven, CT

“Oceans”, New York Hall of Science, NY

“Wax Poetic”, Fabulon Gallery, Charleston, SC

“Contemporary Craft”, BAC, Brookside, Mass.

“Flight”, Dehn Gallery, Manchester Community College, CT

"Selfie", Schelfhaudt Gallery, University of Bridgeport
"Nasty Women", New Haven Ct
"Facie: Self Portraiture as Interpreted....", Galerie Protege, Chelsea NY
"Games: From Marbles to Minecraft". Annmarie  Sculpture Garden Md.
"Transformed"  Beechwood Arts Center. CT
"Fur,Fin, and Feather", Annmarie Sculpture Garden, Md.

"The Creative Muse", Crayola Gallery, The Banana Factory, Pittsburgh, Pa.

"Recycled, Repurposed, Recovered:Found Art", UNC Pembroke

"Toying Around with Art: Animal Kingdom", Morris Museum, NJ



"Women of Vision", New York Public Library


"The Art of Transformation", CCM Visual Arts Gallery, New Jersey


"Who's Your Moma?; Visions of Oue Mentors" , Monmouth Museum, New Jersey


"Water, A Universal Right", Robert Morris University Gallery, Chicago, Ill.


Penn State University, HUB-Robeson Galleries


Previous Group Shows : Mattatuck Museum, Housatonic Museum, New Britain Museum of American Art, Aldrich Musuem of Contemporary Art, Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Discovery Museum, The Barnum Museum,Sacred Heart University Gallery of Contemporary Art, Monique Knowlton Gallery, NYC, Exit Art, NYC, First Run Gallery, NYC, Shore Institute for Contemporary Art NJ, Branchville Gallery, Sailor's Valentine Gallery Nantucket, Erector Square Gallery, Kohn, Pedersen, Fox Gallery NYC, Outsider Art Show Puck Bldg NYC




Chan Davis/Joan Wheeler Collaborations

2004     Broadway Windows, New York, N.Y. “Big Babies”

2002    “Roadside Attractions”, Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Stamford, Ct.

2002    “The Doll Project”, Silvermine Gallery, New Canaan, Ct.


Solo Exhibitions:
2012 “Time Like A River”Silvermine Arts Center, Silvermine CT

2011  “Animal Tales”  Bruce Kershner Gallery, Fairfield, CT

2008 “Cross-Pollination” Silvermine Guild of Art, New Canaan, Ct.

2004  “Other Worlds”  Branchville Art Gallery, Ridgefield, Ct.

2000  “Altered Egos”, Carrie Haddad Gallery, Hudson, NY

1999  “True Identity”, Stamford Museum and Nature Center, Stamford, Ct.

1998  "Vacation Dreams", Silvermine Guild of Art, New Canaan,Ct

1996-97  “Adventures in Toyland”, Monique Knowlton, New York, N.Y.

1995  “New Work”, Art/Place ,Southport, Ct

1995  “New Work”  Art/Ex Gallery, Stamford Museum and Nature Center

& Awards 


Mattatuck Museum purchased for the collection


2007 CT. Commission on the Arts State Grant for Visual Arts


2000 Cow Parade NYC


© 2016 Joan Wheeler

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